Nov 04, 2008 08:36
Just restating what I left in a comment in someone else's journal.
Now of course who wins will make an incredible amount of difference in what happens to our future, but barring election tampering or something of that nature, when the votes are in, that's it. I really don't want to hear any sour grapes any so and so was cheated, the race will be won and lost and then it will be time to work on the next step of our journey. We can't afford to keep second guessing our future once the election is over. If you don't like the outcome, and a heck of a lot of people won't, get involved, write, email, call, support grassroots movements, lobbyists, special interests groups and non-profit organizations that agree with your point of view, but remember that the average person, misguided as you may consider them, is just like you making the choices they feel best.
Our country is in a tough spot and it won't be easy no matter who wins. To move forward as a nation we have to work together, let go of the petty bickering and the blame game and focus on our common goals. In some ways I worry more about how people will react to the choice of president than I do about the ability of either man to do the job. This seems to be the most divisive election in my memory, and like you I have people I care about and respect in both camps. I have very strong opinions about who I want to win and why, but I don't want that to come between me and anyone else. We can not continue pointing fingers, we need to come together to find common ground. Stop focusing on could haves and should haves and focus on where to go from here.
E.T.A. I'm not saying ignore voter fraud or act like the results don't matter. I'm saying don't get so caught up in continuing the blame game that you miss the opportunities you will have to keep effecting your future.